DragNDropz Latest Version: 1.0.0 released on 12/3/2019

DragNDropz Legal License Agreement

DragNDropz is paid software and is closed source.  By purchasing a license, you agree to NOT release, reverse engineer, change, use, re-use, or modify any of the source code without permission from DragNDropz.  DragNDropz reserves the right to suspend and deactivate any license at any time if the terms of this agreement are breached and may pursue legal action if the terms of this agreement are NOT honored.

A DragNDropz basic license is valid for a single installation of DragNDropz only.  A basic license is limited to a maximum of five total user accounts for this single installation of DragNDropz.  Enterprises, corporations, businesses, and other entities requiring additional installations or user accounts must contact DragNDropz to arrange a modified agreement and price.

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